Publication Policy

ENTOMON publishes original research articles in Entomology and related branches of science.

Outstanding articles, invited papers projecting novel ideas/ technology beneficial to the members of the AAE also may be considered for publication. 

Announcements of seminars/ symposia, book reviews and other items of entomological interest will also be considered for publication. 

Research papers - '˜Full papers' are to be covered in 4-10 printed pages and '˜Short Communications' 1 - 3 pages. 

The articles should be organized in the format seen in the latest issue of ENTOMON. Full papers consist of Title, Authors' name/s and address, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Short Communication should be presented in the same format as in full papers, but without subheadings. 

Submission of a manuscript to ENTOMON implies that the content has neither been published earlier nor will be sent to any other publisher without intimation to ENTOMON. 

At least one of the authors should be a member of AAE. The format for application for membership in AAE can be downloaded from here.

A fee will be charged for each black and white printed page (invoice will be sent along with the proof) for publication of the articles in ENTOMON. If illustrations are desired in colour in the print, the actual cost of colour plate has to be borne by the author. 

A free PDF offprint of each article will be supplied to the author identified for correspondence.

Admission Fee: Rs 100/- ($10/- for foreigners)
Life Membership Fee for individuals: Rs 6000/- (or US $ 600/- for foreigners)
Annual Membership Fee for individuals: Rs 1000/- (US $ 150/- for foreigners)
Annual subscription for Institutions: Rs 6000/- (in India); US$ 600/- (outside India)